First one is a big one… Do you have to be flexible to practice Yoga? Absolutely not Yoga is for everyone! There may be postures you find challenging but that’s ok. It’s important to remember we all have different proportions, different lifestyles, old injuries etc. We are all unique so naturally our practice will be unique too. How you look in practice is the least interesting part of your practice. Whether you’ve nailed that headstand or are still working on childs pose I’m rooting for you, please remember self acceptance is so important in your practice.

What should I wear to class? Whatever is comfortable so you can move freely in your practice. Layers are great to keep you warm and if you really want a bit of Savasana luxury keep a blanket and eye pillow nearby.

What props do I need? A yoga mat and yourself. Blocks and straps are amazing ways to help with your practice but you can improvise with scarves, dressing gown straps, pillows and books.

Can I eat before class? Yoga involves twists and folds so eating an hour or two before practicing is advised.

Can I practice yoga whilst pregnant? Yoga is wonderful to practice during pregnancy but isn’t advised through the first trimester as your body goes through some big changes. Please contact me to let me know if you are pregnant so I can advise of any modifications to take.

Any other questions feel free to email me or through Instagram and facebook.

Jodi x